Computer or Occupational Lenses
Office, occupational or computer lenses have been specially optimised for the office and computer screen, making the average working day easier on your eyes. These lenses help you concentrate and work without tiring your eyes.
What Are Computer Lenses?
A single vision lens has one focal point, this means it only allows you to focus at one specific distance. When your Optometrist assesses your near vision, they will ask where you naturally hold things to read. They will then measure this distance and check the exact prescription you require for that distance.
This is not ideal for those who are on a computer for an extended period of time. This is because your monitor and keyboard are at different distances. This leads to eye strain as in essence you are using the wrong type of lens for the required distance.
The solution to this is an occupational lens.
Occupational lenses are designed for close to intermediate tasks such as reading, writing and screen-work. These lenses can be either ‘office’ or ‘computer’ varifocal lenses which differ in their focal capacities, allowing you to see clearly at any distance at arm’s distance and closer to you.
Why Do I Need Computer Lenses?
We’re finding that patients are asking, in increasing numbers, if their daily routines are harming their eyesight. And with good reason. Nowadays we spend more and more time looking at a computer screen – both at work and at home. While this may affect our eyes, there are ways to alleviate it.
Electronic devices with visual displays can cause strain on our eyes. It is said that approximately 7 out of 10 people suffer from symptoms of digital eye strain. These symptoms, which are caused by computer use, can include:
Tired eyes
Dry eyes
Burning eyes
Difficulty falling asleep or light sleep
Neck or shoulder pain
There are two major causes of digital eye strain:
Prolonged focusing at near distances
Blue light emitted from digital devices
Luckily, there’s a simple solution that will allow your eyes to relax, giving you a more pleasant screen experience overall.
We can provide specially created lenses designed to address these causes of strain and make computer and digital screen use more comfortable. They cut part of the blue light emitted by the screen, and help the eye focus more efficiently.
What Is the Difference Between Computer Lenses, Reading Glasses, and Varifocals?
If you already wear glasses but find it hard to read clearly, this would be the point you might look at varifocals that offer three prescription strengths in one lens – distance, reading, and intermediate. However, varifocal lenses can have a narrower field of view and some people find them difficult when working for long periods of time either reading or on a computer. This is completely normal and is down to the design of the lens.
If you don't already wear glasses for distance vision or everyday use, but you are now struggling with reading clearly, then you may consider simple reading glasses. However, you will find that you constantly have to take them on and off, or perch them on the end of your nose and look over the top. That’s because single-vision reading glasses only give you clear vision at a fixed length, usually, only 30 to 40cm, meaning everything beyond is out of focus.
Computer lenses otherwise known as occupational lenses are the perfect in-between option. These lenses are ideal for people who struggle to see clearly at both near and arm’s length (computer type) distances, but still, need to see across the room (under 4m) for presentations or visitors.
And it’s not just office workers who this might affect, there are many professions where people need to see close-up but also look across the room for example; nurses, doctors, hairdressers, chefs, teachers, shop assistants, receptionists, musicians and many more.
I Have Varifocal Lenses, Why Should I Consider Occupational Lenses?
Most patients find that they love the comfort of their varifocal lenses for their day-to-day living. It gives them good comfort in all their viewing distances without having to alternate between a second or a third pair to view objects at differing distances. Varifocal lenses are perfect for widespread use.
However, the increased use of computers in a work environment can cause eye strain with your varifocals. This is because the field of view is smaller as effectively three prescriptions are incorporated into one lens. Your Optometrist may recommend occupational lenses alongside varifocal lenses. The aim is, to minimise fatigue and maximise visual performance as occupational lenses have only two different prescriptions for near and intermediate vision therefore each portion of the lens has a larger field of view.
Types of Computer Lens
If you feel your child may benefit from computer lenses, book an appointment today.